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  스페인 Eduardo씨 탱화불사를 끝마치면서...  +   [불화 그리고 이야기들...]   |  2010. 1. 29. 13:30
 지난 1년동안의 이메일을 통한 의견교류와 대화를 통해 드디어 스페인 Eduardo씨의 후불탱화가
스페인으로 배송되어 Eduardo씨의 개인법당에 모셔지게 되었습니다.

이 홈페이지를 통하여 알게된 스페인 Eduardo씨와의 인연은 저에게는 불화가로써 매우소중하고
값진 경험이었습니다.

 Eduardo씨에게 다시한번 감사드리며 스페인 Eduardo씨가 보내주신 사진과 이메일을 올립니다.

사용자 삽입 이미지
Dear Han Wool

How are you?

Last Monday I received your painting.

As soon as I received it I went to a picture framer to mount it in a golden frame.�he painting korean frame was very beautiful, but unfortunately too long for the space I have at home.

When I hang the painting on the wall of my studio and looked at it I became very impressed and deeply touched by your meticulous work. It is so beautiful, clear and deep that I started to cry in front of it full of joy and gratitude.

Next day my brother Xisco came at home. My brother is also a buddhist practitioner and when he saw you painting he was also very excited and happy.

For us, persons that live in a very distant place from Korea and other buddhist countries your work is a treasure that will help us to grow in the Dharma. I have attached 2 pictures of the painting at home with my brother and me.

I hope we can keep in contact from time to time. I look forward to meeting you some day.

With respect and gratitude.


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